Sunday, March 29, 2009

ET Medical Mission Trip

I just have not much time and not putting my mind to it. But better pen a few words and maybe continue in future :D

14 ~ 21 Mar 09: Went on a 8 day Medical Mission Trip. 17 from Singapore and we met with 4-5 translators @ ET. 5 doctors (all from PPHBC) and 1 nurse. The nurse was in charge of pharmacy dispensing meds and i was one of those helping to fill & write prescriptions while the nurse checked. We give out vitamins like B Complex, A+D, Iron, Folate, Multivits tabs (syrup for kids) as well as Paracetamol (syrup for kids), Cough mixtures like OBH (OBP for kids), antibiotics like Amoxycillin and Erythromycin (syrups for children & I got to make syrup from the powdered antibiotics), de-worm tabs and some other misc meds.

2 clinics at Com (Lautem district), 3 clinics in villages in Liquica village wth one high in the mountains with the journey in Pajeros sometimes as exciting as sitting in a roller coaster.

I had a fun time, helping in the pharmacy which I liked, learning a bit about certain medications from the nurse and listening to doctors, working with others like Stacey Koh and Theo (from ASPC). I was suppose to do games but in the end, didn't. Did help in the cataract eye screen a little on my last morning @ Liquica Hospital.

Last night got to help carry jerry cans of water to Fredy & Tina's place as no water (end of rainy season). Sprained my muscles or ligaments below my right ribs. Other than that, no other injures.

The trip was pretty exhausting. Usually had to stand or move around to grab meds to fill prescriptions written by doctors (the 2nd clinic at Com was standing under hot sun - so I got sunburn and came back looking tanned), setting out and packing up the pharmacy is an art and took work and on a few nights, we had to pack medicines into little pouches.

Photos that I took available on FB (mine was 2GB of photos). Was told this morning that the photos from cameras of everyone totalled 25GB!!! But I've asked for the Portable HDD as the photos of the place are stunning and otherwise, I have no photos with me inside.

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