Saturday, January 23, 2010

'It doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're sincere.'

'It doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you're sincere.'

That must be one of the most common statements I hear when people first start talking about faith. What do you think about that statement? Personally, I don't think these people really mean what they are saying, at least not literally. If you are walking on a lake that's covered with one inch of ice, no matter how sincere you are in believing you can do it, you are in for a cold soaking at best. If someone encourages you to try, "as long as you're sincere," they are no friend! The issue is less the sincerity or intensity of your faith than it is the trustworthiness of the object of your faith: Is it solid enough, deep enough, trustworthy enough, to be capable of holding your weight?"....

Brian D. McLaren in Finding Faith: A Search for What Makes Sense
Live Life Inspired.

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