Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Worship Style?

In the past few months I have had many leaders ask me what “style” of worship through song we have at Brand New Church. Honestly, I have been taken back by this question and the fact that it is still a topic of discussion for many churches. For pastors everywhere, especially rural communities, I want to share with you my heart on our “style.

#1 We are Celebratory in Style
Contemporary, Modern or Traditional are not terms used in our vocabulary. We are intentionally celebratory in our approach. One week could be bluegrass, rap, hymns, acoustic, choir, ensemble, rock and any other style you can imagine. Genre is not the center focus, the focus is: “Does it bring glory and celebrate the King of Kings?”

#2 We are Flexible in our Leadership
Having the same person as the front soloist, guitar, keys, or even sound man can be detrimental to the flow of creativity in worship. You need a balanced attack. We have a creative leader that brings the pieces together each week, but different faces. Some of the best worship leading takes place in the congregation.

#3 We are Creative in our Purpose
Creativity is an intentional part of our plan. Jesus never used the same bait when fishing and neither should we. Change your stage, opener, closer, song set location, instruments and even design – not for clever’s sake, but for listening and environment enhancement.

#4 We are Quick to remove Pride
When pride walks on the stage, God walks off. You will find out very quickly if your stage is being controlled or Christ-centered when you apply a few of these recommendations.

#5 We are Sensitive to our Atmosphere
Sight, Sound and Smell must be priorities for great worship to exist. Get a decibel reader and improve your sound quality. Purchase lighting that enhances listening and attentiveness. Make sure there is a pleasant aroma in every area of your facility especially your restrooms. Every campus has this passion and leads out (picture below is from our NWA campus).

These are just a few of our worship “styles”…as you can see have very little to do with music, but a lot to do with worship.

Source: Breaking All the Rurals.
Shannon O’Dell is a devoted husband and father of four. People know him as innovative, inspiring and committed to reaching out to struggling rural churches and churches with a rural state of mind. He has served Brand New Church as senior pastor for over seven years in Bergman, Arkansas, a small community of just over 400 people.
Brand New Church has grown from 31 to 2000 members with 7 campuses, network churches, and an online campus under Shannon’s leadership. He is the author of “Transforming Church in Rural America”.

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