Thursday, June 26, 2008

Seek and Find(Jer 29:13)

Author: Woodrow Kroll
Source: Lessons on Living From Jeremiah

Jeremiah 29:13
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Seek and Find
A 911 operator received a call one evening but heard nothing on the line. Fearing the worst, she called back. A little boy answered the phone in a barely audibly voice. She said, "Hello. Did you just call 911?" The boy replied in a hushed tone, "No!" "Okay, is your mommy home?" "Yes," the boy whispered, "but she's busy talking to the police." "Oh, so the police are there? May I speak to one of them?" the operator asked. "No, they're all busy." "All right," she responded, "then is your daddy home?" "Yes, but he's busy talking to the firemen." "Well, could I speak to one of the firemen then, please?" "No," the lad said softly, "they're really busy too." "Goodness," the operator said, "what are all these people busy doing?" "Looking for me," the boy whispered back.

Jeremiah assured the people that God was not playing this kind of hide-and-seek with them. A day was coming, the prophet said, in which those who sincerely seek God would find Him. No longer would they have to go through intermediaries like Levitical priests or perform repetitive rituals. God would make Himself personally and directly available.
This happened when Christ died on Calvary's cross. The heavy veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple was split in two. The Holy of Holies was the most sacred part of the temple. It was here that the Ark of the Covenant, the symbol of God's presence, was kept. Yet this place, where previously only the high priest could enter, became open to anyone's view. The barrier between God and man was removed.

Take advantage of your opportunity to come directly into God's presence. He wants to have fellowship with you personally. Approach God with a sincere heart and hands washed clean from sin. You will find Him delighted to have your company.When we hide ourselves in Christ, God never hides Himself from us.

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